ReThink Digital Wellness curriculum

 In this age-specific curriculum targeted to elementary, middle, or high school students, students learn what cyberbullying is and how to conquer it; they also learn the fundamentals of responsible digital citizenship, taking away key skills like device time management.

  • Each curriculum contains 18 lessons of content and a facilitator guide; the curriculum also comes with an accompanying student guide/workbook, where students can interactively explore the lessons they learn, as well as parent resources, to ensure that the learning in the classroom continues home. The curriculum can be implemented as part of a homeroom, health and wellness class, or an after-school program, and is designed for 2 – 3 lessons to be taught each month (and thus throughout the traditional 8-9 month academic year).
  • Examples of the topics explored in the high school curriculum include: what bullying/cyberbullying is, the different types of bullying/cyberbullying, the extent to which these issues affect youth today, being a bystander vs. an Upstander to hate, how to rethink online hate, online sexual harassment, building self-esteem in a digital environment, etc. See a sample of the high school curriculum attached
  • In the curriculum, there is an emphasis on practicing and exploring responsible digital behavior, as opposed to simply learning about it; in that vein, students participate in activities where they reflect on their digital conduct/the conduct of others and take specific actions to become better digital citizens.
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