Let's make every citizen a ReThink citizen
Let's restore digital citizenship in youth around the world
Creating a new generation of Upstanders to combat online hate
Stop cyberbullying before it happens, before the damage is done

Together, we can make every digital citizen a ReThink citizen.
Our mission is to make every digital citizen a ReThink Citizen.
ReThink Citizens is a youth-led nonprofit with the mission of tackling cyberbullying and redefining digital social connection to be more kind, intentional and inclusive.
Our vision is a hate-free, inclusive Internet, powered by kind, tolerant youth.
By equipping today’s youth with technology and educational resources that encourage them to rethink online hate–and offering them the tools and community that they need to instead leverage the internet for good–ReThink Citizens is building a more supportive, inclusive digital ecosystem in real time.
Help us realize a new generation of ReThink Citizens.
With your support, we can deliver the powerful ReThink anti-hate technology, digital wellness curriculum, and advocacy programs to youth for FREE – making the ReThink movement accessible to all. We can also empower and embolden youth to be agents for change in the fight against cyberbullying. Help us make all digital citizens ReThink citizens!