ReThink Citizens Youth Squad
A powerful youth movement to support digital caregivers
What Is The Youth Squad?
Since its inception, ReThink Citizens has hosted social media safety workshops with parents and digital caregivers across the country and even globally. The response to these workshops has been overwhelmingly positive–and made one thing clear: today’s parents, many of whom are not digital natives, want a window into the digital world; a real, comprehensive look at the opportunities and dangers that social media can present. And most importantly, they want this information from young people. They want a fresh, youth-led perspective on how they can ensure that their children remain safe online.
In 2025, ReThink Citizens hopes to bring our workshops to at least 10,000 parents across the United States–with youth experts leading the way. In that vein, this spring, we will launch the ReThink Citizens Youth Squad (RCYS), a first-of-its-kind initiative that will train selected Youth Squad members (aged 15-25) from across the country to deliver ReThink Citizens’ parents workshops to the digital caregivers in their communities. In addition to their workshop training, Youth Squad members will also be invited to participate in regular virtual educational programming with leading online safety activists and experts. And, Youth Squad members will join a robust community of like-minded young people, with whom they can collaborate to build the digital world that they want to live in.
With our Youth Squad at the forefront, ReThink Citizens will ignite a powerful youth movement to equip digital caregivers with the essential knowledge and skills they need to digitally parent.
Apply To Join The Youth Squad
The Youth Squad will be selected in spring 2025 and begin accepting requests for workshops in mid-2025. Want to be the first to bring the Youth Squad to your community? Joining our mailing list now.

Lydia Bliss
(she/her); 24 years old; Location: Madison, Wisconsin
Lydia Bliss serves as the Youth Squad Program Manager at ReThink Citizens. She has a background in psychology, health humanities, and public policy and is currently a researcher studying adolescent health, well-being, and social media use. Her work focuses on promoting adolescent well-being in digital spaces through a positive youth development lens. Passionate about centering youth in conversations about their health and online experiences, Lydia works to empower youth to lead responsible technology efforts. She believes mentorship and education drive positive digital change and is excited to help youth build the skills to shape the future of online spaces.