What Are The Digital Wellness Videos?

For those looking for a brief, easily adaptable educational resource that introduces youth to the fundamental anti-hate and digital literacy concepts they need to know, look no further. ReThink Citizens’ by-youth, for-youth Digital Wellness Videos cover four key topics from our Digital Wellness Curriculum (i) rethinking cyberbullying, (ii) responding with resilience and confidence to online hate, (iii) tackling mis/disinformation online, and (iv) understanding AI and its effects on our society. Each video is about ~6-7 minutes long (together, the four videos are no longer than 30 minutes) and can be easily incorporated into existing lessons/sessions. Facilitators often view the videos with students, then guide students through group discussion and/or personal reflection.

Developed alongside community partners, the videos speak to some of the key issues on the minds of young people today…and, best of all, they’re actually narrated by Founder and President Trisha Prabhu, a 24-year-old anti-hate activist that has championed the movement against online hate for over a decade. Trisha has become an internet safety role model for youth around the world. Your students will hear directly from Trisha–and come away with fresh, relatable insights.

Thanks to our generous supporters, we’ve been able to make these videos available to any interested community organization or educational institution for FREE. To access the videos, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, send us an email at [email protected].

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